The Kungsleden trail

Kungsleden, in English the King's Trail, between Abisko and Hemavan is one of the world’s most famous hiking trails, and possibly the best one. The path is more than 450 kilometres long, and was established by Svenska Turistföreningen at the beginning of the 20th century. It has since then been visited by hikers from all over the world.

Map of Kungsleden

This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).

Kungsledens 5 sections

Kungsleden can be divided into five sections, stretching from Abisko in the north to Hemavan in the south. From north to south, the five sections are as follows:

Of course, you can hike in the opposite direction from how we have presented the trails.

*Signature trails are a selection of Sweden’s most spectacular trails. There are a total of 12, characterized by their beautiful nature and the unique features of their respective regions in Sweden.

Kungsleden Abisko – Nikkaluokta

The Kungsleden stretches through a diverse landscape in the Lapland mountain region. The trail dramatically shifts along the way between alpine terrain and lower areas with mountain birch forests. Hiking along the Kungsleden takes you through lush mountain heaths bordered by lakes and towering, dramatic peaks, and you’ll also pass several small mountain villages.

Kungsleden passes through four national parks: Abisko, Stora Sjöfallet, Sarek, and Pieljekaise. The trail is well marked, and bridges have been placed where it would otherwise be difficult to cross the rushing waterways.

STF maintains no fewer than 16 mountain cabins along the Kungsleden. The cabins are spaced between 10 and 20 kilometers apart. Between Kvikkjokk and Ammarnäs, there are no STF cabins, but other limited accommodations are available.

The most common starting or ending points for a Kungsleden hike are Abisko, Vakkotavare, Saltoluokta, Kvikkjokk, Ammarnäs, or Hemavan. If you start in Nikkaluokta, however, it will take two days of hiking before you actually reach the Kungsleden.

Reindeer herding is practiced in this area, thank you for showing consideration!

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Learn more about how to avoid disturbing the reindeer.

Book multiple accommodations at the same time

If you want to book multiple accommodations in one booking, the easiest way to do it is by opening each accommodation in separate tabs in your web browser. Then, choose the dates for each accommodation, the number of people, and proceed until you see that your accommodation has been added to the cart. All your selections are saved in the same cart, even if you are working in different tabs. When you are ready to pay, proceed to payment in any of the tabs, and all your selections will be included. Your selections are saved for a total of 30 minutes.

A selection of accommodations along Kungsleden

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STF Abisko Turiststation

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
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STF Kebnekaise Mountain station

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
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STF Hemavan Mountain station

The Vindelfjällen mountains
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STF Pårte Mountain cabin

The King´s Trail

Visitor calendar

Do you enjoy the tranquility of the mountains? With our visitor calendar, you can get an overview of the general occupancy in this mountain area, giving you the best possible conditions to plan your visit during less busy periods. During times with fewer visitors, we often offer better prices as well. Please note that the visitor calendar only provides an indication and does not account for deviations such as events or holidays.

Short facts

Mountain map
Displayed under each respective tour

Common stages
Presented at the bottom of the page

STF Locations
STF Abisko Turiststation
STF Ammarnäs Wärdshus
STF Hemavan Mountain station
STF Kebnekaise Mountain station
STF Kvikkjokk Mountain station
STF Ritsem
STF Saltoluokta Mountain station

STFs Mountain cabins

Kungsleden on Facebook

Virtual flight along Kungsleden in Google Maps

Recommended reading and links
County administrative board

Guidebook (in swedish)
På fjälltur: Kungsleden
Author: Claes Grundsten, Norstedts

Stages of Kungsleden