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Mountains reflecting in the water


Padjelanta, Sarek, Stora Sjöfallet and Muddus – names to delight the ear of a true hiker. These four national parks, together with the Sjaunja and Stubba nature reserves, constitute the Laponia World Heritage Site. The area is three times as large as the Swedish island of Gotland.

The western part of Laponia, Padjelanta, is a rolling mountain plateau with large lakes. The unique plant life here makes Padjelanta popular among botanists. The central part, Sarek, has around a hundred high summits. Several of them have glaciers, while deep valleys and fast-flowing streams meander between the mountains. Northern and eastern Laponia have lowland peaks, wetlands and primeval forests.

Hiking trails and mountain cabins surround Sarek, while the Padjelanta trail can be found in the west and south. Kungsleden passes along the eastern edge, and continues northwards towards the Kebnekaise range. The primeval forests of Muddus with pine trees, spruce and birch also contain several marked trails.

If you want to ramble more freely, you should make your way into Sarek, usually known as Europe’s largest wilderness. Hiking in Sarek requires experience. This is because there are no marked trails, no accommodation, and no facilities that make life easy for hikers. In contrast, Padjelanta has a marked summer trail and overnight cabins.

Reindeer herding is practiced in this area, thank you for showing consideration!

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Learn more about how to avoid disturbing the reindeer.


Bus from Murjek Jokkmokk to Kvikkjokk
Bus from Gällivare to Suorva, Vakkotavare and Ritsem
Flight from Ritsem and Kvikkjokk to Staloluokta

Map of Laponia

This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).

Visitor calendar

Do you enjoy the tranquility of the mountains? With our visitor calendar, you can get an overview of the general occupancy in this mountain area, giving you the best possible conditions to plan your visit during less busy periods. During times with fewer visitors, we often offer better prices as well. Please note that the visitor calendar only provides an indication and does not account for deviations such as events or holidays.

Book multiple accommodations at the same time

If you want to book multiple accommodations in one booking, the easiest way to do it is by opening each accommodation in separate tabs in your web browser. Then, choose the dates for each accommodation, the number of people, and proceed until you see that your accommodation has been added to the cart. All your selections are saved in the same cart, even if you are working in different tabs. When you are ready to pay, proceed to payment in any of the tabs, and all your selections will be included. Your selections are saved for a total of 30 minutes.

Short facts

Mountain map
Lantmäteriet BD9
Lantmäteriet BD10
Calazos ”Sarek Padjelanta” 1:100 000

The tour starts here
STF Saltoluokta Mountain stationSTF Kvikkjokk Mountain stationSTF Ritsem or Suorva.

STF locations
STF Kiruna
STF Kvikkjokk Mountain station
STF Saltoluokta Mountain station
STF Ritsem
STFs mountain cabins
The Padjelanta huts operated by the Sámi villages.

Read more
Laponia naturum
Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten

Guidebook (in swedish)
På fjälltur: Sarek
Author: Claes Grundsten, Norstedts

All trails in the area