Flexible booking conditions
Booking of accommodation can be canceled with a full refund up to 7 days before arrival, alternatively until 18:00 on the day before arrival. Special conditions apply to activities. Current conditions for your selected accommodation or activity can be found under "Terms and conditions" when you get to the shopping cart in the booking flow. Read moreSTF Amber Hotel
Explore Lapland's biggest town from this central hotel
Our service
Pets allowed
Some rooms are available in which pets may accompany guests.
WiFi is available in common areas and/or in bedrooms.
Family room
Room with at least 4 beds within the same room.
Car parking is available next to the property, a fee may apply.
Breakfast is included in the room price/rate or can be purchased for an additional fee. Opening hours/selection may vary depending on season.
<1 km to train station/bus stop
Closer than 1 km to train station/bus stop.
Group booking is available for a minimum of 10 people.
Group enquiry
Are you more than 10 people planning a conference, family reunion, camp or a school trip? Fill out the form and your request will be sent to your selected accommodation, which will get back to you with a quotation to suit your group!
See availability and book.
Search & Book
Contact and opening hours
Stationsgatan 67
972 34
Travel options
Street parking outside the hotel is possible and charged by the hour. For more information, go to www.lulea.se/samhalle--gator/gator-och-trafik/p...
A 5-minute walk from Amber Hotel there is roofed parking in Smedjans parking garage or Karpens car park.
You can reach Luleå by train, bus or car.
By train
Be environmentally friendly, travel by train! The train arrives at and departs from Luleå every day and night. The train station is located close to the city center, just a few minutes’ walk from Luleå city center. Amber Hotel is just a two-minute walk away.
By bus
From Luleå bus station you can travel to the neighboring Norrbotten municipalities and return to Luleå. You can also travel to and from Skellefteå and Umeå in Västerbotten.
By car
E-road 4 (E4) in Sweden goes between Helsingborg and Haparanda.
N65.583826°, E22.161967°Contact:
+46 92010200 info@hotellamber.se
Check-in and check-out times:
Number of beds
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Sustainability pledge
The accommodation has taken the STF Sustainability pledge on working sustainably in their daily operations and involve you as a guest.
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