Flexible booking conditions
Booking of accommodation can be canceled with a full refund up to 7 days before arrival, alternatively until 18:00 on the day before arrival. Special conditions apply to activities. Current conditions for your selected accommodation or activity can be found under "Terms and conditions" when you get to the shopping cart in the booking flow. Read moreSTF Lunndörren Mountain cabin
Cabin between the bare mountain and the forest
Our service
Guest kitchen
Fully equipped kitchen for self-catering. The kitchen is shared with other guests.
Food and equipment for outdoor activities are sold in the shop. The range of goods differs from facility to facility.
Pets allowed
Some rooms are available in which pets may accompany guests.
A sauna is available.
<1 km to marked trails
Less than 1 kilometer to marked hiking trail.
<1 km to marked winter trails
Less than 1 kilometer to marked winter trail.
See availability and book.
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Contact and opening hours
Travel options
Car parking facilities are available in Vallbo and Vålådalen. You can also go by train to Undersåker and continue from there by bus. For more information, see www.valadalen.se/en
For more information on Vålådalsfyrkanten, see www.swedishtouristassociation.com/valatrail
Mountain map:
Calazo mountain map Vålådalen, Lunndörren & Oviksfjällen
N63.06247°, E13.062761°Contact:
Do you need help with your booking?
Opening hours
21 February - 19 April
1 July - 21 September
Number of beds
Follow STF Lunndörren Mountain cabin
Sustainability pledge
The accommodation has taken the STF Sustainability pledge on working sustainably in their daily operations and involve you as a guest.
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We believe that when more people discover our beautiful nature, more people will want to protect it. By being a member, you contribute to the work to influence for a more sustainable tourism and outdoor life.
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