Flexible booking conditions

Booking of accommodation can be canceled with a full refund up to 7 days before arrival, alternatively until 18:00 on the day before arrival. Special conditions apply to activities. Current conditions for your selected accommodation or activity can be found under "Terms and conditions" when you get to the shopping cart in the booking flow.

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STF Tjäktja Mountain cabin

Swim at the waterfall at Kungsleden's highest point

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Flexible booking conditions

About the accommodation

The mountain cabin lies on a barren slope of the Kungsleden hiking trail that rises to the highest point of the trail, Tjäktja Pass. If you approach from the north in wintertime, keep your eyes open for wolverine tracks just before you reach the cabin.

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Wolverine frequently pass straight over the valley, so keep an eye open and you might also see one in the distance in its characteristic gallop.
Short distances to surrounding cabins allow you the time for an easy ascent west of the cabin. From here, you have vast views in every direction with rolling mountains to the west and the alpine landscape towards the Kebnekaise mountains to the south and east.
Many nice alpine ski tours start from here. If you dream of more than an alpine tour, a tour in the Sielmavagge Valley and onward to STF Nallo is recommended.
This is how it works in a mountain cabin
Our mountain cabins offer a simple and authentic stay in multi-bedded rooms with self catering. The rooms are different sizes with bunk beds and usually heated by gas stoves. On site you will be greeted by a cabin manager. As a guest you chop wood, fetch water from the stream or lake, wash up and clean up after youself.
Here we have gathered all the information you need for a stay in one of our mountain cabins www.swedishtouristassociation.com/stfmountaincabin

Our service

  • Guest kitchen

    Fully equipped kitchen for self-catering. The kitchen is shared with other guests.

  • Pets allowed

    Some rooms are available in which pets may accompany guests.

  • <1 km to marked trails

    Less than 1 kilometer to marked hiking trail.

  • <1 km to marked winter trails

    Less than 1 kilometer to marked winter trail.

See availability and book.

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Contact and opening hours

Travel options
STF Tjäktja is located along the Kungsleden trail on the Abisko – Nikkaluokta section. The cabin is most easily reached from one of the nearby cabins on the Kungsleden trail, STF Alesjaure to the north or STF Sälka to the south.

Abisko and Nikkaluokta are suitable starting points for a hike or ski trip to Tjäktja. Estimate around 3 days of hiking or skiing from Abisko to Tjäktja and 3-4 days from Nikkaluokta to Tjäktja.

Read more about how to get to Nikkaluokta and Kebnekaise: www.swedishtouristassociation.com/kebnekaise

The easiest way to get to Abisko is by taking a train or bus from Kiruna. If you are taking your own car, there is a long-term car park at the railway station near STF Abisko Tourist Station. Read more about how to get to Abisko: www.swedishtouristassociation.com/abisko

The Kungsleden trail towards Tjäktja starts about 300 meters from the bus stop, railway station and car park in Abisko.

Read more about Kungsleden between Abisko and Nikkaluokta: www.swedishtouristassociation.com/abiskonikka

Mountain map:
Calazo mountain map Kebnekaisefjällen


N68.051648°, E18.241082°


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STF Tjäktja Mountain cabin

Opening hours

21 February - 27 April
19 June - 14 September

Number of beds



  • Sustainability pledge

    Sustainability pledge

    The accommodation has taken the STF Sustainability pledge on working sustainably in their daily operations and involve you as a guest.

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