Can I pay by debit or credit card in the mountains?

You can pay by debit och credit card at all our mountain stations.

Large parts of the mountain areas have limited or no mobile connectivity. Therefore we cannot always offer card payment in the mountain cabins. For the time being, it is possible to pay by credit or debit card in the following mountain cabins:

Rogen-området: Rogen
Jämtland: Arådalen, Gåsen, Lunndörren, Stensdalen och Vålåstugan.
Vindelfjällen: Aigert, Syter och Viterskalet.
Lapplandsfjällen: Abiskojaure, Alesjaure, Tjäktja, Sälka, Singi, Kaitumjaure, Teusajaure, Vakkotavare, Sitojaure, Aktse och Akka.

You can read more about payment at mountain cabins here.

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