Can I send/receive packages in Abisko? / Can I rent equipment in Abisko and return it elsewhere?
You can send packages to/from Abisko. Read below for information on different scenarios:
• If you want to send a package from Abisko to Nikkaluokta, the staff in the shop can help you with that. We use a Swedish company called “Bussgods” for that service. Bussgods are only active during the skiing season, and summer hiking season, because the packages are sent with the local bus, and the bus only runs those periods. The price varies depending on the weight and size of the package, for more information see (only in Swedish). Nikkaluokta charge for the storage of your package, you can pay the fee when you pick up the package. The price is listed on our page about store & rental.
• When renting equipment in Abisko and returning it in Nikkaluokta we also use Bussgods. The shop staff can help you arrange it. For this service you will be charged two extra days of rental plus the fee from Bussgods, and we will charge the extra fee when you pick up the equipment. When you pick up the equipment you will also receive a shipping label that you will have to attach to the package in Nikkaluokta.
• Do you want to send a package from Abisko to any other place in Sweden? The shop staff can help you, prices vary depending on the weight and size of the package.
• You can send a package to Abisko from any country/town, if you do so we will store the package until your arrival, but we appreciate if you try to send it so that it arrives close to your arrival date. We recommend using DHL, Bussgods (within Sweden) or Postnord.
Mark the package like this:
Guest: First name, Last name
STF Abisko Turiststation
Abisko Turiststation 2
SE98107 Abisko
You should also mark the package with an estimated pickup date. When the package arrives, we will place it in our luggage room, when you arrive you can just ask a receptionist to open the luggage room and then you can pick up you package. We are not responsible for packages stored in the luggage room. If you send your package with Postnord, it might end up at Godisfabriken Supermarket, located 2 km from us, in Abisko Östra. If this happens you have to pick it up personally, if this is not done within 14 days the package will be returned to sender.