What type of accommodation is available at STF Saltoluokta?

At Saltoluokta we have both rooms that you can book for yourself, and beds for you who don’t mind sharing rooms with other hikers. The double rooms include sheets, towels and cleaning. In the dormitory rooms, you must bring or rent sheets, and clean up after yourself before you travel on.

In the main building there are both twin rooms and dormatory beds. Toilet you will find in the corridor, shower, sauna and kitchen you will find in the service house Nåiden. In the main building there is also our finest room, the “suite” Sirkas, with its own shower and toilet and a fantastic view of Stora Sjöfallet.

In the building Laponia there are modern double rooms and one four bed-room, some with shower and toilet in the room, some with shower and toilet in the corridor. Sheets, towels and cleaning are always included.

You will find simpler accommodation in the three other houses: Kirkau, Gamla station and Förarstugan. Here you pay per bed, and you may be joined. In Kirkau there is a toilet, shower and kitchen. For those who live in Gamla station and Förarstugan, there is a shower, toilet and kitchen in the service house Nåiden. In Gamla station and Förarstugan you can also bring a dog.