Singi - Kaitumjaure
This is an easy stage from Singi, following the Tjäktjajåkka mountain stream to its outlet into the Kaitumjaure lake. You pass through an old area of reindeer husbandry, where the remains of Sámi tents and reindeer grazing can be seen in several places.
The first part of the route passes through slightly hilly terrain, which soon becomes flat heaths. Differences in height are generally small. The first part (10 kilometres or so) offers good rest areas with access to water pretty much everywhere. After you have passed the bridge 3 kilometres north of STF Kaitumjaure the terrain becomes slightly more demanding, but the path passes over wooden walkways in many places.
The Sanjartjåkka peak to the west of STF Kaitumjaure offers a fantastic view. A peak station has been set up here with a guestbook where you can record your visit. Ask the cabin manager about the route to the top. The plateau at the western part of Kaukulvagge holds many remains from previous generations of the Sámi people. It’s a good idea to buy a fishing licence in advance, because the fishing here is excellent.
Short facts
Mountain map
Lantmäteriet BD8
Stage length / time
13 km / 4 – 6 hours
Elevation difference
620 – 720 meters above sea level
STF locations
STF Singi Mountain cabin and STF Kaitumjaure Mountain cabin