Sylarna - Blåhammaren
You can glimpse Blåhammaren far away on the horizon as you start the trek from Sylarna, and the way to your destination passes through a rolling landscape. After you have left the part of the Jämtland mountains and Syl massif that has a clearly Alpine character, the route continues through rolling terrain across low hills.
The tour begins with a roughly 3 kilometer downhill stretch that you previously walked in the opposite direction. The trail soon splits, and here you choose to follow the western route, well-marked toward STF Blåhammaren. Afterward, a section awaits that takes you up and down hills through varied and at times rocky terrain.
In the final kilometers, you’ll face a long hill that takes you up the last stretch. But once you arrive, your reward awaits – a magnificent panoramic view of the mountain landscape. Blåhammaren is one of STF’s highest mountain stations.
This section can be quite exposed to the wind. About 4 km south of Blåhammaren, you may need to wade when water levels are high.
Reindeer herding is practiced in this area, thank you for showing consideration!
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Reindeer herding is practiced in this area, thank you for showing consideration!
Learn more about how to avoid disturbing the reindeer.
Short facts
Mountain map
Lantmäteriet Z6, 1:100 000
Lantmäteriet Z56, 1:100 000
Calazos ”Jämtlandsfjällen” 1:100 000
Calazos ”Jämtlandstriangeln” 1:100 000
Stage length / time
19 km / 6 – 7 hours
Elevation difference
1 045 – 1 090 meters above sea level
STF locations
STF Sylarna Mountain station and STF Blåhammaren