Three friends relaxing next to the sea
Become a member
A membership benefits you and makes a difference for others.

Join STF

Price to become a member

Adult: 375 SEK
Youth: 16-25 years: 195 SEK
Senior: 75+: 230 SEK
Family: 600 SEK
Children do not register for membership but stay at the member price in the company of a member.

The membership is valid 12 months from the date of payment.

Join STF

Your membership card will be sent to you in within 10-14 days. If you are travelling sooner you can also become a member at all our lodgings. Click to find our membership terms and conditions

Membership benefits

Discount on accommodation

As a member of STF, you contribute to the work of enabling more people to discover Sweden. As a thank you, you always receive a discount on accommodation when you book through STF’s booking channels.

Discount on SJ train journeys

We are pleased that our members are offered a 10% discount on the regular fare when booking SJ tickets through this web page.

Discount on Snälltåget

Snälltåget operates to selected mountain destinations during the season. Often, bus transfers from the train station to the ski resort or the start of the mountain hike are included.

Discount on Norrtåg

As an STF member, you get a 15% discount when booking tickets with Norrtåg. Perfect for those who want to explore northern Sweden!

Discount on Avis rental cars

As a member of STF, you get up to a 15% discount when booking a rental car with Avis. Additionally, you gain access to the Avis roadtrip guide, featuring tailor-made routes that match your interests.

Free accident insurance during STF activities

As a member of STF, if you participate in an activity organized by STF, you are covered by an accident insurance policy that is valid during the activity.

Various issues of Turist magazine

The magazine Turist

In STF’s member magazine Turist, you can read about outposts, art experiences, and magical natural areas—about places you didn’t even know you longed to visit. Turist provides inspiration and knowledge about outdoor life and travel in Sweden.

Your support is important


Sweden’s nature and cultural heritage belong to everyone. As an STF member, you help protect public access rights, maintain and improve hiking trails, and promote sustainable tourism. This ensures that everyone can explore and enjoy Sweden, both now and in the future. 

Get involved

Sweden is full of people passionate about making the country accessible to everyone. Many of our members actively participate in enabling others to discover and learn more about the natural and cultural heritage that belongs to us all. 

Experiences for all

STF accommodations enable everyone to experience the unique aspects of Sweden. We organize activities for both beginners and experts, helping people explore the waterways, mountains, and everything in between.