STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station temporarily closes due to vomit disease

6 August 2023

Here you will find the latest information about the situation regarding the stomach flu on Kebnekaise and the northern Kungsleden.

Information updated August 12, 2023 at 20:00 pm  

It is now possible for guests to make reservations at the following mountain huts: Kaitumjaure, Sitojaure, Pårte, Akka, Hukajaure, Kutjaure, Njunjes, Sitsjaure, Pieskehaure, Aktse, Vakkotavare, Unna Allakas, Vistas, Kårsavagge, Nallo and Tarfala. Also sauna open to guests.

The decision remains not to offer services such as outhouses and access to kitchens for hikers camping in tents. When it comes to the huts’ shops, they move outside, alternatively one group at a time is allowed inside.

Otherwise, what was informed on August 9 at 3:15 pm still applies.


Information updated August 9, 2023 at 3:30 pm  

Cause of Outbreak

Test results show that the outbreak of gastroenteritis at Kebnekaise and the northern section of the Kungsleden trail is caused by a Calicivirus. It is not classified as a public health threat, but it is highly contagious. The virus is excreted in large amounts primarily through feces, and it can spread through direct or indirect contact with infected individuals (vomiting can also spread the virus). Infected individuals can typically spread the infection for up to two days, sometimes longer, after becoming symptom-free.

The water at the Kebnekaise station is not the source of contamination, but we have still submitted water samples from the station and nearby streams and are awaiting test results.

Information regarding Kebnekaise Mountain Station

We are reopening the Kebnekaise Mountain Station for guests who already made reservations starting from Thursday, August 10th, at 4:00 PM. Dinner service is available for guests staying at the mountain station. We do not accept new bookings, and we are also not accommodating tenting guests, neither in the area near the station or indoors in our facilities, including dinner reservations. This is to limit the number of people in the area.

We recommend that campers who have booked dinner at the mountain station until August 18th cancel their reservations by contacting the booking office or, alternatively, come in, receive a refund, and leave. An email with information will be sent to everyone who has reserved a table at Kebnekaise’s restaurant. There is a store outside the station where you can purchase food.

These measures have been taken at the mountain station:

As we reopen our operations, we are taking extra precautions, and we also appeal to you as a guest to contribute to creating the best situation for both yourself and other guests. Thank you for your support.

This applies to the Mountain Huts

Our mountain huts along the northern section of the Kungsleden trail remain open for guests with existing bookings but are closed for new reservations until further notice. The cabins do not provide services such as restrooms and access to kitchens for campers. As for the cabin stores, they are relocated outdoors, or alternatively, one group at a time is allowed inside. The sauna is closed to all visitors.

The huts are an essential part of mountain safety, therefor we do accept unbooked guests in emergency situations. But only in emergencies. This also applies to the mountain station.

General Advice and Tips

For those staying at the station and indoors:

For those staying outdoors and camping:

Other Information

Boat traffic in the area continues as usual.

We will continue to offer summit tours at Kebnekaise Mountain Station.

Participants in the Fjällräven Classic event (starting on August 11th) are not staying with STF and are not using our facilities. The organizer is responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient facilities for participants to meet their needs responsibly.

Information updated August 7, 2023 at 4:30 pm  

The decision to close for new bookings, drop-in and tent service now applies to more cabins on and adjacent to Kungsleden.

For Abiskojaure, Alesjaure, Tjäktja, Sälka and Singi, Kaitumjaure, Sitojaure, Pårte, Aktse, Vakkotavare, Unna Allakas, Vistas, Kårsavagge, Nallo and Tarfala, the following now applies:

The cabins are open for mountain safety reasons to guests who have reservations.

Information updated August 6, 2023 at 12 pm  

Today, Sunday August 6th, we have made the decision to immediately close for new bookings and drop-in at the mountain huts along the northern Kungsleden to prevent further spread of infection. This means that guests who do not have an existing reservation at a mountain hut will not be able to get a bed. We will also not provide access to tent service around the huts on northern Kungsleden. This means that hikers who are camping will not have access to the cabins’ facilities such as a toilets, guest kitchen, drying room or shops. Neither during the day nor in the evening. We have also decided to turn off all saunas at these mountain cabins.

We are taking these actions in order to prevent an unsustainable situation with increased spread of infection in the mountain huts along northern Kungsleden as well. For the sake of mountain safety, we cannot close the huts completely as people are already out on the trails, but we can minimize the number of new people who come to the huts.

We have also made the decision to close for new bookings at Kebnekaise Mountain Station until August 18th. We hope to open for quests with existing booking as planned August 10. Until August 18 we will also not offer tent service at Kebnekaise Mountain Station. We need to take responsibility and take the measures we deem necessary, even if they seem drastic to many. We do this for the safety of our guests – both current and future – and staff, and we hope for your understanding. 

The mountain huts on the northern part of Kungsleden that are covered are: Abiskojaure, Alesjaure, Tjäktja, Sälka and Singi. 

Information updated August 6, 2023 at 8:20 am 

During the first week of August, we unfortunately saw several cases of stomach flu in and around the Kebnekaise mountain station. STF has routines for this type of situation which we follow closely. For example, we have introduced stricter hygiene routines and extra cleaning, among other things. The guests who have symptoms of illness have been isolated and separate rooms were available for them. We have followed the development carefully and evaluated the situation on an ongoing basis.  

On Saturday August 5th, the situation developed in a way that means we see a need to close the mountain station for a few days. We see that guests are getting sick at a faster rate, which makes it increasingly difficult for us to isolate guests, sanitize spaces at the required rate and separate quarantine rooms for those who are sick. We understand that it creates concern and frustration, but we need to take the responsibility that the situation requires and look out for the best interests of our guests and staff. We need to break the spread of infection at the mountain station and give the staff a chance to clean all the spaces properly and bring new outhouses (dry toilets) to the area. As of Sunday August 6th, we will keep the mountain station closed to all guests and we hope to be able to reopen for guests on Thursday August 10th. The situation at Kebnekaise mountain station is complicated by the fact that the sewage system was destroyed by heavy water flows earlier this summer and we are referred to using outhouses. All guests with bookings during this period will be canceled against full compensation. If you have questions or concerns or need help with rebooking, please contact our booking department. There are, for example, accommodation options at Saltoluokta Mountain Station and Abisko Tourist Station. The mountain huts along the Kungsleden are still open. We appeal to everyone staying in the area to be extra careful with hygiene. 

We urge all hikers in the area to be extra careful with hygiene.