Abisko – Nikkaluokta
This route, which largely follows the Kungsleden trail, is one of the most well-known hiking trails in Sweden. The first day starts at STF Abisko Turiststation and the route passes through mountain birch forests in Abisko national park.
In this region there are high peaks. The landscape sits above the tree line, which is the edge of the habitat where trees are capable of growing. Nature is varied with wide open plains, lakes and fast-flowing streams. You will walk past green rolling hills and open grassland, barren mountainside and snow-clad summits.
Hike through magnificent landscapes towards the highest point, which lies at the Tjäktja Pass. The marked trail mainly crosses barren mountain landscape, but the first and last stages pass through mountain birch forests. Along the route you find five STF accommodation facilities that are located on the Kungsleden trail, and the STF Kebnekaise mountain station. You leave the Kungsleden trail at the STF Singi mountain cabins. There are several variations of the route, taking alternative paths.
Visitors should be mindful of the extensive reindeer husbandry which is carried out throughout the region.
Train or bus from Kiruna to Abisko
Bus from Nikkaluokta to Kiruna
Short facts
Mountain map
Lantmäteriet BD6
Kebnekaisefjällen Calazo
Trail length / daily stages
108 km / 6-7 days
Abisko – Nikkaluokta and Abisko – Vistas – Nikkaluokta
STF Locations
STFs Mountain cabins and STF Kebnekaise Mountain station
STF’s Signature Trails
Sweden offers many different hiking trails in both the mountains and lowland areas. To make it easier to plan your next hike, we have selected some of Sweden’s most spectacular trails, we call them signature trails.
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