The Bohusleden trail
Bohusleden runs from Lindome in the south to Strömstad in the north. At the southern end, Bohusleden connects to Hallandsleden. It is possible in central and northern Bohuslän to join up with Kuststigen, which can take you on into Norway (Kyststien). Even though you are in one of Sweden’s most densely populated areas, the inland areas of Bohuslän are the best place to find calm. Only a few kilometres from the sea, you ramble through peaceful forests and over barren marshland.
Parts of the route give the impression that you are in the mountain realm of northern Sweden, even though you are in reality only a few kilometres from the western coast. Most of the trail is easy, but certain parts have some height differences to be overcome, and are thus slightly more demanding. Bohusleden is part of both the North Sea Trail and the European network of long-distance paths (Europaled 1).
Map of the Bohusleden trail
This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).