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Man sitting on a stone along Kungsleden trail

Kungsleden Abisko–Nikkaluokta

In the early 20th century, the Swedish Tourist Association created Kungsleden, a continuous hiking trail that runs through the mountains of Swedish Lapland. The intention was for the trail to pass through the most beautiful places the Swedish mountains had to offer, which is why it was given its name – the king of all trails. The now world-famous hiking trail is visited by hikers from near and far. Here we describe the northern section of Kungsleden, from Abisko to Nikkaluokta.

Signature Trail Kungsleden Abisko is one of STF’s signature trails.

Hikes along the Kungsleden usually start or end in Abisko, Saltoluokta, Kvikkjokk, Ammarnäs, Hemavan, and Nikkaluokta. This section describes the stretch between Abisko and Nikkaluokta.

Signature trail Kungsleden Abisko in short

  1. Length: 107 km
  2. How much time: 7 days hiking, 12-21 km per day (6–8 hours per day). Possible to complete in 5 days.
  3. Mountain shops with food: Abisko, Abiskojaure, Alesjaure, Sälka, Kebnekaise
  4. Water/food along the trail: You need to bring your own lunch or buy groceries in the mountain cabins. You can collect water from streams. At the beginning and end of your hike, you can enjoy breakfast and dinner at the restaurants in the mountain stations, which offer full service, including alcoholic beverages. You can also purchase food or drinks from the shops at the mountain stations.
  5. Accommodation during the hike: STF Abisko Tourist Station, mountain cabins AbiskojaureAlesjaureTjäktjaSälkaSingi and STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station
  6. Maps: The app “Fjällkartan,” Lantmäteriet’s map “BD6,” or a map from Calazo of the Kebnekaise mountains.
  7. Staying in a mountain cabin

Map of Kungsleden Abisko-Nikkaluokta

This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).

Discover Northern Kungsleden

When hiking the Signature Trail Kungsleden Abisko, you will mostly follow the well-known Kungsleden. However, the stretch from Singi to Nikkaluokta is not part of the regular Kungsleden. Despite this, it is an incredibly popular section as it provides access to the northern part of Kungsleden and offers breathtaking nature.

The first day starts off grandly, as the hike begins in Abisko National Park.
Dense mountain birch forests initially surround the trail. The green-shimmering and rushing water of Abiskojåkka can be seen and heard to the right, and to the left, you can catch a glimpse of one of the most famous silhouettes in the mountain world, Lapporten. The further you go on the trail, the more barren the surroundings become. Wide, beautiful views and rolling mountain heaths lined with high alpine peaks await for many miles.

Both mountain stations and cabins have kitchens and small shops (not in Tjäktja and Singi), so plan your food packing accordingly. The mountain stations also have award-winning restaurants. All accommodations are located directly along the trail. During the last two hiking days, you leave the Kungsleden to head toward Nikkaluokta, where bus transportation to Kiruna is available.

See and do along the trail

In Alesjaure, it is possible to hike via the cabins Vistas and Nallo instead of following Kungsleden to Sälka.

Don’t miss

Stay an extra night at Kebnekaise Mountain Station to climb Sweden’s highest mountain, Kebnekaise.
Guided tours depart daily, and advance booking is required. Along the way, you can take a dip in a mountain stream and enjoy a sauna in one of the mountain cabins.

Transport to the trail

The train stops daily opposite Abisko Mountain Station. From Kiruna, you can also take a taxibus and transfers (Visit Abisko and Visit Kiruna). From Nikkaluokta, there are buses and taxis as alternatives for getting to Kiruna.

Trail markers

Blue signs will show you the way at the start of trails and at crossings. When a Summer trail and a Winter trail meet, follow the red trail crosses. Cairns also show the way.

Book the entire route Abisko–Nikkaluokta

If you want to book multiple accommodations in one booking, the easiest way is to open each accommodation in separate tabs in your web browser. Then, select the dates for each accommodation, the number of people, and proceed until you see that your accommodation has been added to the cart. All your selections are saved in the same cart, even though you are working in different tabs. When you are ready to pay, choose to proceed to payment in any of the tabs, and all your selections will follow. Your selections are saved for a total of 30 minutes.

Tip! Start by checking the availability at STF Tjäktja mountain cabin as this cabin has the fewest beds. You can also choose to skip Tjäktja and instead hike Alesjaure–Sälka / Sälka–Alesjaure, which would then be 25 km.

Sections of Northern Kungsleden

Below are the different sections of Kungsleden Abisko–Nikkaluokta (Signature Trail Kungsleden Abisko), with distances, accommodations, and other relevant hiking information.

Of course, it is perfectly fine to hike in the opposite direction from how the sections are presented.

Tip! Spend the first night at STF Abisko Tourist Station.

Section 1: Abisko–Abiskojaure 

15 kilometres, 4–6 hours of hiking
Accomodation: STF Abiskojaure Mountain Cabin

You hike into Abisko National Park on the first day. Dense mountain birch forest surrounds the trail in the beginning, but the longer you hike, the more open the landscape becomes. After a couple of kilometres, you reach a high limestone rock with a beautiful view of Abiskojåkka. From here, the trail continues slightly uphill before levelling off. There is a sandy beach near the cabin that is a popular spot to take a refreshing dip. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Mountain Cabin Abiskojaure has a mountain shop with the Large range.

Section 2: Abiskojaure–Alesjaure 

21 kilometres, 6–8 hours of hiking
 STF Alesjaure Mountain Cabin

Along this stage, you leave the mountain birch forest behind and hike up above the tree-line. After a steep ascent of Kieronbacken, the trail continues on moorland covered with grass and shrubs. You walk past a number of mountain lakes with green-shimmering water and your view is of high mountain peaks. If you want to cut the hike short by six kilometres, you can take the boat that goes over the lake Alesjaure. The cabins are on the south side of the lake. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Mountain Cabin Alesjaure has a mountain shop with the Large selection.

Section 3: Alesjaure–Tjäktja 

13 kilometres, 4–5 hours of hiking
Accomodation: STF Tjäktja Mountain Cabin

The stage goes through a lush delta landscape where the wide river Alesätno meanders. The trail continues slightly uphill over moorland and meadows. The terrain is easy to hike until the final few kilometres, where the landscape becomes steep and rocky. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Tjäktja Mountain Cabin has no shop so you need to bring food.

Section 4: Tjäktja–Sälka 

12 kilometres, 3–5 hours of hiking
Accomodation: STF Sälka Mountain Cabin

After four kilometres, you cross the highest point of Kungsleden, the Tjäktja Pass, 1150 metres above sea level. There is a picnic cabin here. You leave the rocky terrain behind you on your way down from the pass. The further down the majestic valley Tjäktjavagge you walk, the greener and more lush the landscape becomes. The valley is 30 kilometres long and is lined with majestic high mountains. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Mountain Cabin Sälka has a mountain shop with the Large selection.

Section 5: Sälka–Singi 

12 kilometres, 3–4 hours of hiking
Accomodation: STF Singi Mountain Cabin

The hike continues through Tjäktjavagge. The valley becomes wider and the stage is easy to hike. High mountains, impressive steep slopes and large glaciers line your path over the lush alpine moors. A picnic shelter can be found by Kuoperjåkka. You pass many watercourses and wooden bridges. Just before Singi, the trail becomes more winding and rocky. The stage could be one of Sweden’s most beautiful, depending on who you ask of course! Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Singi Mountain Cabin has no shop so you need to bring food.

Section 6: Singi–Kebnekaise

15 kilometres, 4–5 hours of hiking
Accomodation: STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station

In Singi, you leave Kungsleden on your way to Kebnekaise Mountain Station. The day starts uphill with a hike into the valley Laddjuvagge. The surrounding nature once again becomes dramatic, with tremendous precipitous drops surrounding the trail. The trail heads slightly downhill and the further down you come the more the landscape opens up. After a few kilometres of flat, you see the view of the mountain Tuolpagorni, which you will find hard to take your eyes off. The last kilometres are slightly downhill in rocky terrain. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station has both a shop, self-catering facilities and a fully licensed restaurant.

Section 7: Kebnekaise–Nikkaluokta

19 kilometres, 5–7 hours of hiking
Accomodation: Nikkaluokta (Not STF accommodation, which means your membership discount does not apply and you cannot book via STF).

The stage takes you down into the mountain birch forest again. Partially rocky terrain. There are occasionally footbridges over areas that are wet or would otherwise be difficult to hike. In summer, you can take a boat over the lake Laddujavri, which shortens the hike by six kilometres. By the boat jetty there is a coffee hut and Lap Dånalds which serves reindeer burgers.

After the boat ride, you have five kilometres of hiking left to the village of Nikkaluokta, where there is a shop and restaurant. Water can be taken from streams along the trail.

Recharge or relax before or after your hike at STF Kiruna and STF Abisko Tourist Station.

Accomodations along the trail

Book accommodation

STF Alesjaure Mountain cabin

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
Book accommodation

STF Tjäktja Mountain cabin

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
Book accommodation

STF Singi Mountain cabin

The King´s Trail
Book accommodation

STF Sälka Mountain cabin

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
Book accommodation

STF Abisko Turiststation

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
Book accommodation

STF Abiskojaure Mountain cabin

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
Book accommodation

STF Kebnekaise Mountain station

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains

Visitor calendar

Do you enjoy the tranquility of the mountains? With our visitor calendar, you can get an overview of the general occupancy in this mountain area, giving you the best possible conditions to plan your visit during less busy periods. During times with fewer visitors, we often offer better prices as well. Please note that the visitor calendar only provides an indication and does not account for deviations such as events or holidays.

Discover more

Mountain guide

Which peaks are the highest? What should I keep in mind if I encounter reindeer? What is it like to stay at a mountain station?

Mountain safety

Learn about avalanches, find out how to best prevent injuries, or read about how to safely ford rivers during your hike.

Mountain hiking

The Swedish mountain range stretches from Treriksröset in the north to Dalarna in the south. Here, breathtaking landscapes and hundreds of miles of marked hiking trails await.