Discount on SJ train journeys
We are pleased that our members are offered a 10% discount on the regular fare when booking SJ tickets through this web page. Now more people can discover Sweden in a cheap and environmentally friendly way.
SJ is Sweden’s largest train operator and services many of Sweden’s destinations, as well as the Scandinavian capitals.
The discount applies only to STF members and for digital bookings made through the booking module below, and it is valid for routes operated by SJ. You can access the booking module by logging in with your current membership number and postal code. Before booking your trip, it is important to review the terms and conditions for the SJ membership benefit.
We are happy to help you!
You will get a quick answer to your question regarding your train booking by going to the SJ website – FAQ or by calling their customer service at 0771 – 75 75 75. If you have questions regarding the membership offer, please contact STF’s member service via medlemsservice@stfturist.se or by calling 08-463 21 00.
Learn more about STF

About STF
STF is a non-profit membership association dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to Sweden’s nature and culture, both now and in the future.

Contact STF
This is a list of contact information for most of the departments within STF.

Here we provide the answers to the most commonly asked questions.