Hikers walking between Saltoluokta and Sitojaure

Wonderful hiking

The freedom, the experience of the outdoors, the challenge, the sense of community, or maybe simply the silence. No matter why you love hiking, we have something just for you. Establish a base in a comfortable facility and make day-long excursions from it at your own pace, meet like-minded people on one of our guided excursions, or go for an adventure between our mountain stations and mountain cabins.

Choose where and how you hike

Hiking trails are spread throughout Sweden, both in the lowlands and the mountain realm.

Book a hiking adventure today

No matter where you want to go hiking, we have a place that suits you perfectly.

Stay in comfortable accommodation

Hiking adventures await just around the corner at our accommodations.

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STF Abisko Turiststation

Abisko-Kebnekaise mountains
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STF Storulvån Mountain station

The Jämtland mountains
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