Bus to the mountains

To get to the mountains, you can take a bus for the last part of the journey or the whole way from home. Here you can see which bus companies you can use and where to find more information.

Länstrafiken, Västerbotten +46771-100 110

Stefans Taxi: +46647-302 01 eller +46703-40 01 39, info@stefanstaxi.se
Taxi Åre: +46647-10022, bokning@taxi-are.se

Taxi Västjämtland: +46647-10400, taxi.vj@telia.com

Certain times with bus connection (resplus) 
If you have the taxi ride included in your train ticket (resplus), call +46771-820083 no later than 5:00 PM the day before the trip.

Duved-Storulvån Fjällstation
Taxi/bus transfer must be booked in advance, Wänseth Buss
+46647-220 20, +4670-5516725, +4670-5517763, every day between 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM. www.wansethbuss.se

Gällivare – Kebnats/Saltoluokta – Ritsem
Road to Ritsem +46970-248 00, www.roadtoritsem.com


Nikkaluoktaexpressen +46980-813 11, www.nikkaluoktaexpressen.se

Norrbotten +46771-100 110, www.ltnbd.se
Jämtland +46771-100 110, www.ltr.se
Västerbotten +46771-100 110, www.tabussen.nu
Dalarna +46771-95 95 95, www.dalatrafik.se

Current bus schedules for the Norrbotten mountains can be found not only on their website but also in the timetable “Fjälltidtabell” published by Länstrafiken in Norrbotten.

Are you traveling with a dog? 
Check with the respective bus company if you are allowed to bring your dog on the trip.

Discover more

Mountain guide

Which peaks are the highest? What should I keep in mind if I encounter reindeer? What is it like to stay at a mountain station?

Mountain safety

Learn about avalanches, find out how to best prevent injuries, or read about how to safely ford rivers during your hike.

Mountain hiking

The Swedish mountain range stretches from Treriksröset in the north to Dalarna in the south. Here, breathtaking landscapes and hundreds of miles of marked hiking trails await.