E-path 6
E-path 6 (E6) in Sweden was inaugurated in 1992 and stretches from Malmö/Helsingborg to Grisslehamn.
The entire E6 extends south all the way to Alexandroupolis in Greece. If you wish to continue south on E6, you can cross over to Copenhagen. The trails in Sweden traverse lowlands but feature a varied landscape.
The Swedish section of E6 covers approximately 1,400 kilometers of trails, connecting Skåneleden, Hallandsleden, Gislavedsleden, Höglandsleden, Östgötaleden, Sörmlandsleden, and Roslagsleden.
Please note that E6 consists of interconnected regional trails, where different municipalities, regions, foundations, etc., are responsible for maintenance, markings, and updating information on signage and trail maps. Unlike trails like Kungsleden in northern Sweden, there is no continuous network of STF huts or emergency shelters here. The quality of rest areas, wind shelters, and overnight cabins may vary between trails. In some cases, there may be short transport stretches between different trails.
Skåneleden (Malmö – Koarp or Helsingborg – Koarp)
There are two sections of Skåneleden marked with E1 signs. You can choose to follow the E1 starting in Malmö and continue north along approximately 290 kilometers of Skåneleden. First, you’ll walk the Nord-Sydleden (SL2) for around 222 kilometers, reaching Hårsjö near Vittsjö. From there, you switch to the Kust-kustleden (SL1) and walk westward for about 67 kilometers. Before reaching the coast, there’s a connection to Hallandsleden at Koarp.
Alternatively, you can start on the Öresundsleden (SL5) from Helsingborg. Follow the trail north to Ängelholm, then continue on the Kust-kustleden (SL1) until you reach the connection with Hallandsleden at Koarp.
Skåneleden has plenty of rest shelters with toilets and drinking water. The trail passes through varied landscapes and is generally easy to walk.
Distance: Malmö – Koarp approx. 290 km, Helsingborg – Koarp approx. 165 km
Trail markers: The trail is marked with blue E6 signs and well-marked with painted markers, directional arrows, and entrance boards where needed.
Tip: Learn more about Skåneleden here
Trail maps and books: Skåneleden map planning tool, Vandra Skåneleden (Calazo Publishing), Friluftsatlas Skåneleden 1:50,000 (Calazo Publishing) (Note that the books are in swedish).
STF accommodation nearby: STF Malmö Ohboy Hotel, STF Klåveröd Logi & Café, STF Blentarp Hostel, STF Nyrup Naturhotell Hostel
Hallandsleden (Koarp – Kinnared)
The E6 trail continues for 110 kilometers along Hallandsleden, reaching near Kinnared. Hallandsleden is mostly easy to hike and takes you through varied landscapes with plenty of forest. In addition to nearby accommodations, you’ll find rest shelters with toilets and fresh water approximately every 15 kilometers. The trail is easily accessible by train and bus.
Distance: 110 km
Trail markers: Orange markings and blue signs with white text “Hallandsleden”
Tip: Learn more about Hallandsleden
Trail maps and books: Hallandsleden map planning tool, Naturkartan
STF accommodation nearby: STF Vallåsens Värdshus
Gislavedsleden (Kinnared – Isaberg/Hestra)
This part of the E6 trail continues into Småland. Gislavedsleden runs from Kinnared in Halland to Isaberg/Hestra in Småland and is part of the longer Smålandsleden.
Distance: approximately 100 km
Trail markers: Orange markings. Plans are underway to equip the trail with improved signs, markers, and facilities.
Tip: Learn more about Gislavedsleden
Trail maps and books: Overview map Smålandsleden (pdf), Smålandsleden map, Naturkartan
STF accommodation nearby: STF Gnosjö Hostel
Höglandsleden (Isaberg/Hestra – Munkebro)
Höglandsleden is also part of the Smålandsleden. The section of Höglandsleden included in the E6 begins in Hestra and eventually veers northeast after Eksjö. After Eksjö, you leave Höglandsleden/Smålandsleden at Munkebo, just south of Lake Västra Lägern. Here, there’s a connection to Östgötaleden. This section of the E6 offers a combination of easy and more challenging terrain.
Distance: approximately 250 km
Trail markers: Orange markings. Plans are underway to equip the trail with improved signs, markers, and facilities.
Tip: Learn more about Höglandsleden
Trail maps and books: Overview map Smålandsleden (pdf), Smålandsleden map
STF accommodation nearby: STF Gnosjö Hostel
Östgötaleden (Munkebo – Kvarsebo)
Östgötaleden consists of several segments that are relatively easy to hike. From Höglandsleden/Smålandsleden, you connect at Munkebo, where there is a direct link to Östgötaleden. The sections included in the E6 cover a total of 210 kilometers, passing near Kisa, Rimforsa, Åtvidaberg, and Skenäs. From Skenäs, you need to take the Skenäsleden ferry across Bråviken. At Kvarsebo, there is a connection to Sörmlandsleden.
Distance: approximately 210 km
Trail markers: Orange markings.
Tip: Learn more about Östgötaleden here
Trail maps and books: Östgötaleden map, Naturkartan
STF accommodation nearby: STF Vårdnäs Stiftsgård Hotel & Conference
Sörmlandsleden (Kvarsebo – Björkhagen)
Sörmlandsleden is a hiking trail of about 1,000 kilometers through Södermanland. The section of Sörmlandsleden that is part of the E6 trail is approximately 300 kilometers long. Starting in Kvarsebo by the beautiful Bråviken, the trail ends in the Stockholm suburb of Björkhagen, adjacent to Nackareservatet.
Distance: approximately 300 km
Trail markers: The trail is well-marked with orange rings around trees and posts, signs with “Sörmlandsleden” text, and S-arrows. Parts of the trail are also marked with blue E6 signs.
Tip: Learn more about Sörmlandsleden
Trail maps and books: Sörmlandsleden map, Friluftsatlas Sörmlandsleden 1:50,000 (Calazo Publishing), Vandra Sörmlandsleden (Calazo Publishing) (Note that the books are in Swedish).
STF accommodation nearby: STF Bränneriet at Nynäs Castle, STF Sävö Hostel, STF Stockholm/Hellasgården Hostel
Roslagsleden (Björkhagen – Grisslehamn)
From Sörmlandsleden in southern Stockholm, you can reach the start of Roslagsleden in Danderyd, just north of Stockholm, either by public transport or on foot. Parts of the trail run close to the coast, with options for detours into the beautiful Roslagen archipelago. Along Roslagsleden, you’ll pass through Trehörningsskogen Nature Reserve, Norrtälje, and Älmsta, ending your hike at the E6 trail’s terminus in Grisslehamn.
Distance: approximately 190 km
Trail markers: Marked with orange, though some sections lack updated information on markings.
Tip: Learn more about Roslagsleden
Trail maps and books: Naturkartan
STF accommodation nearby: STF Af Chapman & Skeppsholmen, STF Långholmen Hotel Stockholm, STF Zinkensdamm Hotel & Hostel Stockholm
Do you have more questions about the European trails in Sweden?
Here we have gathered common questions and answers.
All Swedish trails along the E-path
Below are all the Swedish trails that make up the Swedish section of the European long distance path.